Lisa in Tanzania - A Peace Corps Volunteer's Blog

14 August, 2005

Returned PCVs

Russ and I got the chance to meet about 15 RPCVs from Tanzania in Minnesota today. They meet every few years in a family cabin on the lake to catch up and have fun. It was about an hour and a half drive from the cities and it was a very nice day. They were all in the same group that went to TZ in the late 1990s and were educators and environmentalists. Many of them said to pack light and perhaps even no clothes at all! Chacos or Tevas, leathermans, and headlamps were necessities. Most everyone traveled around TZ during their time off but really only throughout TZ - one guy, after service, just went south until his money ran out then went back home! There were no married couples in their group of 44 people going into the PC but after service there were 4 married couples out of the group - one person married a Tanzanian. Russ and I were very fortunate to speak with them and learn about their experiences. We can't wait to have our own!


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