Chacos - oh my gosh!
Yesterday Russ and I went on some errands to get stuff we need for the PC while we still have a car (it's being sold). At REI I went to buy Chacos because I've heard from current PCVs and friends that they are the best. So as I was browsing the sandal section a young woman, about our age, who worked there, asked if we needed help. So I said we were going to the Peace Corps and then she screamed "Oh my gosh! That's so great! I'm in the process of applying!" and I know everyone in that section heard her and people were looking but it was great to see someone so excited about the Peace Corps and our adventures. She was wearing a pair of Chacos with toe loop so I tried that one on and compared it to the Chacos without a toe loop and other brands. My feet felt much more stable with the toe loop so we purchased those (with toe socks of course)!
For all those PCVs or soon to be PCVs out there Chacos happens to Pro Deal to Peace Corps Volunteers at 50% off. Sorry I didn't get the word to you sooner.
george, at 26 August, 2005 09:43
I got the forms, thanks!
lisa, at 11 May, 2007 10:15
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