Time flies
In the four months that we have left here in Tanzania, I find myself more busy than ever. There have been social events that we attend in town and I teach Monday - Thursday. My students have pretty much all arrived. Only a handful are still missing but I'm sure they will arrive soon. In my two classes, one seems to learning at a mush quicker pace than the other. At the beginning of this term all the Form I students were reshuffled again and the first 40 students who had the top averages were put into one class (Stream A) while the remaining bottom 40 were put into another (Stream B). It works out well actually as the top 40 students have done great in math and I am teaching them faster. For Stream A we will finish Algebra next week. However for Stream B we will probably finish the following week. For Stream B, unfortunately they probably will not cover the entire math syllabus but I'm hoping that they will gain a better understanding of the topics we do cover, rather than gain nothing and cover them all too quickly.
Russ is currently in the northern part of the country at an ICT conference and will return the following week. This leaves me home alone but my friends says they will keep me company. Next month we will go to our COS conference and discuss what we have been doing for the last 2 years and how we can look ahead, to life back in the states. In September we have been invited to help with the training of the next incoming education group to Tanzania. October and November we will stay put then travel to Dar for a few medical check-ups then leave Tanzania before Thanksgiving to travel for a month to Uganda, Ethiopia, and Egypt before spending Christmas in Hawaii with my family. I'm excited to be going home and seeing my family (who I have not seen in more than 2 years) before the end of this year.
Russ is currently in the northern part of the country at an ICT conference and will return the following week. This leaves me home alone but my friends says they will keep me company. Next month we will go to our COS conference and discuss what we have been doing for the last 2 years and how we can look ahead, to life back in the states. In September we have been invited to help with the training of the next incoming education group to Tanzania. October and November we will stay put then travel to Dar for a few medical check-ups then leave Tanzania before Thanksgiving to travel for a month to Uganda, Ethiopia, and Egypt before spending Christmas in Hawaii with my family. I'm excited to be going home and seeing my family (who I have not seen in more than 2 years) before the end of this year.
Lisa, just returned from Kidugala, TZ. Also spent some time in Mvumi and then back to Dodoma before heading out to Kidugala. Wish had time to come & visit you & Russ but you may have been traveling w/friends at that time. Met Chris Erickson he came over from Masage. What a wonderful time we had!! He came 3 days in a row & one nite stayed w/us as the weather turned cold & windy & it was late to be riding his bike back home. The others in our group dropped their jaws when the 1st day I asked him if he knew Russ & Lisa & he said yes - 10,000 miles from home we we find common ground. Your blogspot changed a little & when I was gone I don't know what happened to my address book but I've lost your actuall e-mail address. Also, I have Chris' Box # in Njombe but who knows what I did w/the scrap of paper w/his e-mail. I know he looks forward to getting some kind of personal e-mail when he goes to Njombe. I would like to write him. What an amazing experience being there w/everyone in Kidugala & Mvumi. Will have more to tell when I get your e-mail. dmscheck@harlannet.com
Immanuelkidugala, at 04 August, 2007 01:38
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